Roboz Tech Surgical
- Our Instruments Are Hand crafted and forged from high quality Japanese surgical grade stainless steel
- All our surgical Instruments has a lifetime manufacturer's guarantee.
- The surgical instruments are supplied non sterile and must be cleaned and sterilised prior to use
- Proper maintenance will extend the life of the instrument.
- Recommended Cleaning Instructions after Use Pre- soak the instruments immediately after use.
- Followed by manfully or mechanically cleaning using a washer disinfector or ultrasonic bath
- Rinse and clean instruments using either a mild alkaline detergent or an enzymatic
- cleaning agent which facilitate a deeper cleaning of the most complex instruments.
- Instruments with several components must be disassembled
- into their constituent parts for effective cleaning
- Do not use corrosive or harsh cleaning agents such as bleach
- Scrub the submerged instruments thoroughly with a very soft sponge.
- Use only soft plastic cleaning brushes, wire brushes could scratch the finish on the instruments
- For humens and crevices use a pipe cleaner or flush with a syringe
- Actuate any moving parts to loosen trapped soil Rinse the instruments with distilled water thoroughly
- Dry the instrument thoroughly with a clean, lint-free cloth.
- After the manually cleaning process pass all devices through an automatic cleaning cycle to achieve disinfection
- using a validated washer- dis-infector machine or an ultrasonic washer
- Store the Instruments in a dry and moisture free area.
- The instruments should be stored individually in a protective tray with partitions